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Queensland Ocular Oncology Services and Dr William Glasson of Terrace Eye Centre reports on Ocular Melanoma.Dr Glasson warns Aussies it’s not just your skin and moles you need to check to avoid deadly melanoma.

Australians are routinely told to cover up and get moles checked to avoid skin cancer, but there’s another form of potentially deadly melanoma doctors are warning about.

Skin cancer in the eye, or ocular melanoma, is a “nasty” diagnosis and Aussies are being warned to take extra precautions as UV index levels hit extreme over summer.

Eye surgeon Dr Bill Glasson said ocular melanoma was one of the “nastiest tumours” you can get in the eye. The survival rate is just 50 per cent in a five-year period.

“If we pick them up early they are very treatable, if we pick them up late you might lose your eye or your life,” Glasson told 9News.

Those who don’t get regular eye tests should book in for a check-up, particularly if you’re over 40 or have a pale complexion and light hair.

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