Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine related to the study and treatment eye disorders and diseases. We have a number of practicing Ophthalmologists and Ophthalmic surgeons providing a range of ophthalmology treatments.
There are currently twelve practising Ophthalmologists and Ophthalmic surgeons within the group. Each of these eye doctors have achieved sub-specialisation within the Ophthalmology field allowing us to provide a range of ophthalmology treatments.
These doctors are leaders in their fields and are actively involved in research, clinical trials, the publication of peer reviewed journals and presenting at, and attending at multiple international professional meetings. Whether you require an ophthalmologist for laser eye surgery or an initial consultation with a specialist in ophthalmology, we can provide the assistance you need.
Click the links below for detailed information on the specific conditions treated and technology used here at Terrace Eye Centre.twelve
Conditions diagnosed and treated

Refractive Surgery
Intraocular Lens Selection Ok, so you have had your consultation and it has decided that a cataract or clear lens surgery is your best option

Pterygium and Pingueculum
Pterygium and Pingueculum A pterygium is a wing-shaped fleshy overgrowth on the surface of your eye. This can eventually extend onto the surface of your

MIGS and Stents in Glaucoma
Glaucoma treatment involves the lowering of intraocular pressure. This pressure is created by the ciliary body (an area in the front of the eye behind

Dry Eyes
Dry Eyes Treatment Dry eye syndrome, also known as dry eye disease (DED) or keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is a multifactorial condition characterized by the insufficient production

Floaters Symptoms Floaters are spots in front of your vision, and just like clouds, they come in all shapes and sizes. They are seen best

Vitreomacular Traction
Vitreomacular Traction The vitreous is the jelly like material that fills the back of the eye. When we are born it is a solid gel,

Vitreous Haemorrhage
Vitreous Haemorrhage A vitreous haemorrhage is a collection of blood within the eye, in the space between the retina and the lens. Normally the vitreous

Strabismus Strabismus, sometimes called “squint”, “cross-eyes” and “wall-eyes”, refers to misalignment of the eyes, with one eye pointing in one direction and the fellow eye

Spots Before Your Eyes
Spots Before Your Eyes When the eye is forming before birth, it is filled with blood vessels to allow the eye to develop. When fully

Retinal Vein Occlusion
Retinal Vein Occlusion A Retinal Vein Occlusion is a blockage of one of the veins draining blood from the eye. You can think of this

Retinal Vascular Disease
Retinal Vascular Disease The retinal vasculature comprises an intricate network of arteries, capillaries and veins that supply the inner retina with oxygen and important nutrients,

Retinal Detachment
Retinal Detachment A retinal detachment is like the wallpaper peeling off the walls inside the eye. The retina is held in position partially by a
Our Technology
Solitaire Laser
Solitaire™ is a full-featured, portable green laser with a true continuous wave laser beam and real-time energy control, offering consistently better performance in the treatment
Humphrey Field Analyser (HFA)
Humphrey field analyser (HFA) is a tool for measuring visual field and is used for detecting monocular visual field but can be used for screening, monitoring
Cross-linking by Peschke Trade
Cross-linking by Peschke Trade CXL – Corneal Cross-linking Corneal cross-linking (CXL) is a treatment with the aim of strengthening the corneal stromal tissue. This is achieved
YAG laser
YAG laser Tango ReflexTM from Ellex® – Lumibird Medical® enables ophthalmologists to perform the full range of anterior and posterior YAG laser procedures, including Laser
Pentacam® by Oculus
Pentacam® by Oculus The OCULUS Pentacam® is a high-resolution rotating Scheimpflug camera and slit illumination system that enables precise and reliable imaging and analysis of
OPTOS Optos wide field retinal photography and angiography allow viewing of the peripheral retina, which up until recently was not possible. Previous camera technology allowed
Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCT-A)
Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCT-A) Terrace Eye Centre is proud to announce the availability of the latest Heidelberg Spectralis OCT angiography system. Released after much
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) uses a non-invasive safe beam of light with special processing to look at the structures within the
Ophthalmic ultrasound (B-Scan)
Ophthalmic ultrasound (B-Scan) Ultrasound is a convenient modality for visualising ocular anatomy and pathology because the eye is a superficial fluid-filled structure. Similar to other
IOL master® by Zeiss
IOL master® by Zeiss The ZEISS IOLMaster® enables precise and reliable intraocular lens (IOL) calculations to be made based on optical biometry, so that patients
Callisto Eye® and Verion™ toric IOL marking systems
Callisto Eye® and Verion™ toric IOL marking systems When patients have their cataracts removed, an intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted within the eye to focus
Anterior segment cameras
Anterior segment cameras Patient education is an important part of the consultation at Terrace Eye Centre, and our slit lamps are equipped with cameras that