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Dry Eyes Treatment

Dry Eye Syndrome is a common condition affecting – depending on the area – more than 20% of the population. Females are more affected than males, while increasing age also contributes to greater prevalence. It is mainly caused by the conditions of the modern life (computer screens, driving cars, artificial lights, pollution, eye contact lenses etc.).

The dry eye syndrome is generally due to a Meibomian gland dysfunction, also called Blepharitis. This results in the important oil layer of our tears being unstable and thinner than it should normally be. This leads to dryness, irritation, redness and blurred vision.

There are a number of risk factors that can contribute to the diagnosis of dry eye syndrome, including:

  • Any situation in which blinking is less likely, e.g., when staring at a computer screen, prolonged reading, driving or watching television.
  • Normal age-related reduction in the production of tears.
  • Hormonal changes – particularly in the production of the female hormone oestrogen.
  • Medications.
  • Heavily air-conditioned environments.
  • Windy, dusty, smoky, hot or dry weather conditions
  • Soft contact lenses that absorb tears.
  • Eye injury/ burns.
  • Fans or hair dryers blowing directly onto the face.