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The first was the 47th International Orbital Society Meeting, Houston, Texas on the 21st through to the 23rd of April.

This meeting is a closed meeting for leaders in the field from around the world, with only three Australians in the society. These being Professor Alan McNab from Melbourne, Professor Dinesh Selva from Adelaide and our very own Professor Sullivan.

Prof Sullivan presented a free paper on the topic: “Lymphoma involving the lacrimal drainage apparatus”

In addition to this, Professor Sullivan was the only Australia speaking at the Innovate Thyroid Eye Disease 2024 Multidisciplinary Symposium on April 26th through to the 28th in Napa, California. The symposium hosted speakers from 12 countries including Europe, North and South America, and Australia!

As President of ITEDS, Prof. Sullivan presented on the topic “Surgical Advances in Thyroid eye Disease”.

The meeting offered up to date presentations on the new monoclonal antibodies, gene therapies, and other agents that are about to change the way Thyroid Eye Disease is treated. This will have an enormous benefit for patients here at the Terrace Eye Centre.

For further information on Professor Sullivan, visit