For Urgent Or Emergency Appointments, Please Phone Us On 3831 0101

Dr Bill Glasson has been providing the communities in Western Queensland with life changing eye surgery for over 25 years. 

Now alongside his colleague, Dr Sunil Warrier they are able to perform up to 50 cases in three days.

The recent purchase of a new phacoemulisification machine by Queensland Health will enable Dr Glasson and Dr Warrier to perform this surgery for the more complex of cases, reducing the need for these patients to travel to Brisbane to receive treatment.

Welcome to the

We would also like to remind patients that we will be CLOSED for the Labour Day public holiday. We will reopen Tuesday 7th May at 8am.

In the event of an emergency, please phone either the Princess Alexandra Hospital Eye Registrar on 3176 2111 or the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Eye Clinic on 3646 6810.