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For the past 5 years Terrace Eye Centre Oncology team has been involved in research regarding the genetics of specific melanomas.

Since 2012, a multi-centre team consisting of Prof. Nicholas Hayward’s Oncogenomics group at the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute and the Terrace Eye Centre Queensland Ocular Oncology Service clinicians, Drs William Glasson and Sunil Warrier, have undertaken research into the genetics of uveal melanoma (UM).

Molecular analyses conducted by our team and others have revealed that UM has a very low number of acquired mutations, and these are not caused by ultra-violet radiation (UVR), which is the main cause of skin melanomas. These studies have shown that UM carry mutations in a small number of critical driver genes, which appear to be essential for the development of these tumours. However, the precise mechanism by which these mutations give rise to UM remains unknown.

The next major aim of our research is to identify UM specific molecular features that can be targeted therapeutically to treat this disease, which, particularly once it has metastasized, is highly resistant to current treatments.

Many of Dr Glasson’s and Dr Warrier’s patients and their family members have generously participated in these studies. Without their co-operation this research would not be possible.  If you would like to participate please do not hesitate to contact the study research nurses, Jane Palmer and Madeleine Howlie.

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We would also like to remind patients that we will be CLOSED for the Labour Day public holiday. We will reopen Tuesday 7th May at 8am.

In the event of an emergency, please phone either the Princess Alexandra Hospital Eye Registrar on 3176 2111 or the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Eye Clinic on 3646 6810.