For Urgent Or Emergency Appointments, Please Phone Us On 3831 0101

Dr Mark Donaldson will now be visiting Bundaberg four times per year, performing retinal surgery at Mater Hospital Bundaberg. Bundaberg has excellent local ophthalmologists, Dr Isabel McLean and Dr Jai Panchepakesan and Mark will be visiting their offices and consulting on the full spectrum of Vitreo-Retinal disorders, particularly epiretinal membranes, macular holes, vitreous floaters, diabetic retinopathy and retinal detachment.

Appointments in Bundaberg can be arranged by contacting either Dr Isabel McLean or Dr Jai Panchepakesan’s offices.

Dr Jai Eye Centre
21 Walker Street, Bundaberg, Qld 4670
Tel: 07 4152 4922 Fax: 07 4151 6408

Dr Isabel McLean
302 Bourbong Street, Bundaberg, Queensland
Ph: (07) 4153 4490
Fax: (07) 4153 4450

Welcome to the

We would also like to remind patients that we will be CLOSED for the Labour Day public holiday. We will reopen Tuesday 7th May at 8am.

In the event of an emergency, please phone either the Princess Alexandra Hospital Eye Registrar on 3176 2111 or the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Eye Clinic on 3646 6810.