For Urgent Or Emergency Appointments, Please Phone Us On 3831 0101

Ocular trauma is unfortunately still very common. This week, Dr Mark Donaldson hosted the Brisbane Sports Medicine training registrars for a talk on ocular trauma. Sports Medicine has become a sub-speciality of its own with these doctors treating injuries on the field on game day and in the office the following week. It is extremely important that these doctors understand which eye injuries need urgent referral to hospital straight from the field and which can be routinely seen during the week. The whole spectrum of eye injuries was discussed from the very front, to all the way at the back of the eye.

All of the ophthalmic nurses and technicians at Terrace Eye Centre also attended the lecture as part of their ongoing education program. With our specialists covering all parts of the eye, we are happy to see urgent trauma cases and coordinate their multi-disciplinary care with their sports physicians, GP and others involved in their care.

Welcome to the

We would also like to remind patients that we will be CLOSED for the Labour Day public holiday. We will reopen Tuesday 7th May at 8am.

In the event of an emergency, please phone either the Princess Alexandra Hospital Eye Registrar on 3176 2111 or the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Eye Clinic on 3646 6810.