About Us
The Terrace Eye Centre is a specialist Ophthalmology practice located on Wickham Terrace in Brisbane city. It has serviced the doctors who provide comprehensive and specialised diagnosis and treatment for a multitude of eye conditions and has done so for over 40 years.

early 1970’s
In the early 1970’s Doctor Brian Wilson and Doctor Frank Sullivan practiced individually in rooms in Ladhope Chambers on Wickham Terrace. -
Late 1970's
In the mid to late 1970’s Doctor Geoffrey Hoole, followed by Doctor Colleen Boreham, joined Dr Wilson in his practice. In 1985, when a new building was constructed at 113 Wickham Terrace, the four doctors agreed to form a group practice in the new building. -
1997, 2004, 2008
Doctor Brian Wilson retired from the practice in 1997, doctors Colleen Boreham and Geoffrey Hoole retired in 2004, Dr Frank Sullivan and Dr Amanda Greaves ceased practising at the centre in 2008.
1992, 1995, 2002
They were later joined by Doctors Amanda Greaves and William Glasson in the late 1980’s and were followed by Doctors Guy D’Mellow and Tim Sullivan in 1992. By 1995, space was at such a premium at 113 Wickham Terrace that the group moved to more suitable premises on the 7th Floor at 135 Wickham Terrace where it has remained. Doctor Albert Aralar joined the group in 2002. -
2003, 2005, 2007
More recent doctors to join the group are: Dr Peter Beckingsale in 2005, Dr Mark Donaldson in 2007, Dr Sonia Yuen in 2008 and Dr Sunil Warrier in 2014. -
In 2016 Dr Michael Hogden and Dr Sing-Pey Chow joined the practice prior to our move to Level 2, 87 Wickham Terrace. -
In 2018 Dr Lindsay McGrath joined the Qld Ocular Oncology team here at Terrace Eye Centre. -
In 2019 Dr Matthew Cranstoun added to our Oculoplastics, Orbital and Lacrimal Disease specialists. -
2022 Dr Timothy Beckman has been supporting the Qld Ocular Oncology team and is locuming until August when he leaves for the UK to further his training. -
In 2023 Dr Timothy Beckman returned from his overseas and re-commenced practicing at the centre.
Dr Guy D'Mellow retired from the practice in 2024 after 32 years. Dr Jonathan Lai joined the practice, adding to our general ophthalmology and glaucoma specialists, as well as his expertise in neuro-ophthalmology.
Dr Matthew Cranstoun resigned from his position at the Terrace Eye Care in December 2024 to consult full time at Pine Rivers Eye Centre.