Dr William Glasson, Dr Sunil Warrier, Dr Lindsay McGrath who head up the Qld Ocular Oncology Service.
at the Terrace Eye Centre attended the Biannual International Ocular Oncology Conference in LA recently. They were there to hear from the world experts around the latest developments in Ocular Oncology .Our doctors were involved with presentations to the conference on the ground breaking research they have been undertaking at Qld Ocular Oncology Service looking at new Laser treatment for Small Choroidal Melanoma. These Presentations were well received and created significant discussion around the topic.
Professor Tim Sullivan who heads up the Orbit and Oculoplastic Service at the Terrace Eye Centre also gave the Key Note Lecture on the final day around the management of malignant lesions of the eyelid .Again, this lecture was very well received by the International audience.
These meetings always stimulate new ideas around treatments that they undertake for various Cancers of the Eye and keep our practitioners who work in the area at the cutting edge of the new technologies. Genomics of the eye cancers we treat was covered in significant detail and provided scope for some exciting new immunotherapies around adjuvant and neo-adjuvant treatments for patients with at Risk of Metastatic Melanoma or already diagnosed Metastatic disease.