Queensland Eye Hospital (QEH) hosted an Optometry Information Evening, with Terrace Eye Centre Ophthalmologists:
Dr William Glasson, Dr Sunil Warrier, Dr Lindsay McGrath, and Clinical Optometrist: Nadine Alexander.
Group discussions lead by Dr Glasson and Nadine, delved into the Optometrist’s role in Cataract surgery, focussing on the patient journey through the referral process.
Dr Warrier gave an update on Glaucoma, including new studies and emerging treatments, as well as a discussion around the shift away from anti-glaucoma medication (as first-line treatments), to laser procedures like SLT.
Both Cataract and Glaucoma topics are heavily dependent on collaborative care between the referring Optometrist, and the treating Ophthalmologist. Discussions like these not only provide continued professional development, but also provide better patient outcomes.