Appointments & Fees
Same day appointments are usually available for ophthalmic emergencies. Please call us to discuss this if your condition is urgent.
If you have an ocular emergency that may require emergency surgery within the next 6 hours, please do not eat or drink until you talk with the staff.
Please have your referral handy when you call. This will help us to determine which doctor would best be able to help you. Sending your referral in is extremely helpful and this can be done via
- Mail: Terrace Eye Centre, Level 2, 87 Wickham Tce, Brisbane, QLD 4000
- Fax: (07) 3831 3203
- Email: [email protected]
After Hours Emergencies
- Princess Alexandra Hospital (07 3176 2111) or
- Royal Brisbane Hospital (07 3636 8111).
What to bring to your appointment
It is very helpful if you can bring the following to your appointment
- Current referral
- Your medicare card and private health insurance details
- List of medications
- Medical history (list of medical conditions and previous operations)
- Your glasses
- Any Xrays or scans that you think are relevant to your eye condition
- Sunglasses and hat to help with glare on the way home
What to expect on the day of my appointment

The Terrace Eye Centre is a private practice facility. Each practitioner has his or her own “schedule of fees” which is based on the fees recommended by the Australian Medical Association and the Medicare Fee Schedule.
You will be required to have a CURRENT referral to be able to claim the full benefits from Medicare. These can be obtained from any doctor or optometrist.
Our receptionist staff will be able to advise you of the cost of consultations and any additional treatment you require, at the time you make your appointment. If you require surgery, you will be provided with a written “Informed Financial Consent” which sets out the expected costs and any benefits that may be payable by Medicare and your private health fund.