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At Terrace Eye Centre educating patients is not only important because it supports better decision-making on their behalf but it can also reduce anxiety and emotional stress while empowering the patient.  In addition to the education provided by Terrace Eye Centre staff, pharmaceutical company sponsored patient support programs also provide additional educational and emotional support and may have a positive effect on improving outcomes for patients.

SmartSight is a complementary evidence-based program for patients treated with aflibercept (Eylea) and is sponsored by Bayer Pharmaceuticals. It aims to support the patient through their treatment cycle, monitor vision, and provide support for carers.  The program is free of charge and provides information on living with AMD (diet, safety, lifestyle), the treatment (aflibercept, appointment reminder service), practical tools (calendars, Amsler Grids, magnifier, recipes), as well as support services for patients and carers through trained call centre staff.