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Around 5-10% of all skin cancers on the body occur on the eyelids.

The most common of these are basal cell carcinomas, and 80% of these will occur on the bottom eyelid or the inside corner of the eye.

The top eyelid is a far less common site for skin cancers as it is protected by the eye socket and brow.

In general, basal cell carcinoma are curable if found and treated early.

Things to look out for that may herald an early skin cancer

– A lump on the eyelid or eyelid margin
– Ulceration of the eyelid
– A change in colour on the eyelid
– Bleeding/ Scabbing/Itching of the eyelid
– A notch in the eyelid margin

Those who spend a lot of time outdoors for work or recreation are placed at a higher risk due to ultraviolet light exposure.

Don’t forget to wear ultraviolet light protective sunglasses when outdoors, and remember to apply sunscreen on your eyelids as well as your face!

Ophthalmologists with an interest in oculoplastics are well equipped to diagnose and treat skin cancers around the eyes.