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Doctors Bio

Dr Timothy Beckman is a Queensland Ophthalmologist specialising in Ocular Oncology, Oculoplastic and Ophthalmic surgery. Dr Beckman completed Science and Medical degrees in Queensland. Throughout training he has worked in both tertiary and rural hospitals across the state, with comprehensive exposure to all aspects of ophthalmology. Following admission as Fellow of Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (FRANZCO), Dr Beckman completed further Australian and International fellowship training. As Fellow of the Scottish Ocular Oncology Service, the Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology in the United Kingdom provided focussed experience of both Ocular Oncology and Orbital surgery. Dr Beckman has expertise in the management of ocular surface, intraocular, ocular adnexa and orbital tumours.

Dr Beckman attended Edward S Harkness Eye Institute at Columbia University in New York for Oculoplastic, Eyelid, Orbital & Lacrimal Disease experience; and has also spent time with the Ocular Oncology team at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London.

Dr Beckman is available for general ophthalmology and oculoplastic consultations at Terrace Eye Centre. As a member of the Queensland Ocular Oncology Service, he is based at both Terrace Eye Centre and Mater Hospital, Brisbane.

As a Visiting Medical Officer at The Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, Dr Beckman also provides Ophthalmic registrar teaching with continued contributions to the literature and international conferences.

Special interests include:

  • Cataract, Pterygium, Glaucoma & Diabetic Eye Disease.
  • Ocular Oncology, Eyelid, Orbital & Lacrimal Disease.